The Walter Augustus Hale Children
From right to left and in order of age, is Amy Eliza Hale Golder born 8 March 1888. Amy is the daughter of Walter and Lillian Eliza Burnap. The story is told that Amy and Walter came down with Typhoid fever and Lillian nursed them through the sickness and then contracted it her self and consequently died. Another story is that Amy was in the congregation of Arthur Lee Golder and was well liked and known by his then wife Mary Grout Golder. Mary died and I believe that before she died she kind of pointed out Amy to Arthur or something like that. She married Arthur in 1929.
The next from the right is Walter Stanley Hale born 1 June 1912 to Walter and Eula Florence Jones Hale. He was known in his adult life as W. Stanley Hale to somewhat differentiate him from his father. Stan was born in the Fitchburg Hospital in Fitchburg Mass. This being the first pregnancy of Eula it appears that Walter wanted to be extra careful to ensure that the delivery as successful as the rest of the kids were born at Bolder Crest their home in Rindge, New Hampshire. He married Doris Isobelle Smith the big sister of his best friend Leon Smith. The story is told that Leon wanted to go on a date with his girlfriend who live 40 miles away and needed transportation. Doris had a Plymouth so Leon “fixed” Stan and Doris up and the rest is history.
Wilma was born 30 June 1913 and outlived the rest of the family living to be 95. She married David Jewell who was a true New England trader. He always had to get “To Boot” on any deal he made. She was a successful school teacher and even earned her masters degree later in life. They raised 6 kids and their names all started with D.
Next is Rachel Eula Hale born 16 January 1916. She married Albert Ritchie and he was quite a character. As I remember he claimed to be a professional wrestling promoter. He was bald and used an electric razor to keep himself that way. I remember that Aunt Rachel crocheted him a doily like cover for his head and he bragged about the sunburned pattern on his head. They were the first couple to be married in the Stone Chapel at the Cathedral of the Pines on 3 Dec 1948.
Howard Augustus Hale was born 26 Feb 1918 and married Mary Dale in 1941. In 1962 I went to a family reunion in I believe Hampton, New Hampshire and drove up in my snazzy 1962 Ford convertible. Uncle Howard had a Pontiac and challenged me to a drag race. I knew that my ride was a wimp so chickened out of it. I always remember him as a young in spirit person.
Francis Towne Hale is the youngest born 10 November 1919. He married Joan Wade in 1947 and I remember going to the wedding and attending the reception at her folks home in Massachusetts. I also remember Francis and Arthur French stopping by our home in North Franklin while they were on the way to overseas duty in WW II. We had meat potatoes and peas and he urged me to eat all my peas because they were Germans!
These are some of my memories. What are yours and if you’d like a copy of the picture let me know.
From Marcia:
Allan Hale’s Blog
Dad: (W. Stanley Hale)
Fun times:
- Sitting at the dinner table and he taking out his teeth and smiling.
- Him grabbling me with his toes.
- Him calling me skillybootch and asking what I wanted to do with the money I was asking for.
- Him filling the side yard with water so we could ice skate.
- Him saying he and mom had christened each room in their house in Maine.
- Him sitting in the den doing crosswords.
- Him asking for a piece of cheese and a cracker with his ice cream.
- Him making a place for my baby chick which I bought for Easter one year even though he was against it.
Aunt Rachel
- Visiting her in Boston.
Aunt Wilma
- I mostly remember the kids. I was very close to Debbie. I visited there one summer and did chores in the garden and hiked up Mt. Monadnock.
Uncle Howard
- I mostly remember him just being in the background. Not a talker.
Uncle Francis
- He always had a sense of humor. He and Aunt Joan always took time to be nice and talk with us. He was a lot like dad.
Aunt Amy
- I do not remember much about her.