The rainbow is God's Reminder that he will not flood the world again. Today the heaven's opened up and poured for about 20 minutes. Lightening flashed and Thunder immediately followed meaning a very close hit.
I remembered that I had left the truck windows open so I dashed out to the car, stepped into a 3 inch deep puddle in front of the steps, ran to the truck , observed a 3 ft wide river running down the brand new sidewalk and jumped into the truck. My seat squished and my rear became soaked instantly but I did get the windows closed.
Marilyn glanced out our east facing picture window and said "Look at the beautiful rainbow!" so I dashed out again to take the pictures.
To my astonishment there was a partial double rainbow!. Believe me it was more beautiful than the pictures show. But enjoy it anyway
1 comment:
I love storms and I love the smell and feel of the air after a storm and it makes it even better if there's a rainbow!
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