Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanks for visiting! Now PLEASE leave me a comment! Yeah I know you have to register but it is free and there is no spam.

Besides it is fun to see what you remember. Your comments will trigger other comments and more comments and next thing you know we have a blog going.

I don't wanna beg but.........


Rachel said...

Yeah...I want to know what you all remember, too! So, come on...pull out your most memorable stories about the old house in Exeter. And don't be shy now, I want all the little details.
Like, I know we have some cool little tidbits about the garden, and the basement bedroom remodels, and the pool and even stuff like punching a hole in the wall or sneaking out of a bedroom window or working on the wood shingles outside the house...that was vinegar, right? :)

Rachel said...

Oh, and I have a good question for mom and dad:
Where in the world did you hide all our Christmas presents in that house?
I think we would all like to know the answer to that one, huh guys?!?! Maybe you could even do a whole blog entry about it...

Papa Hale said...

In The Garage Attic for most of them.

Papa Hale said...

Melissa pointed out that she was in High School when I got laid off and it was 1992. But that is another story.

Eric Hale said...

I have been reading your blog... just not commenting.

Don't feel bad, no one comments on my blog either.

You might want to try a web tracking tool. That will let you know how many people view your blog... and it's free.